Reiki 霊気, which means “universal life force energy,” is a gentle healing technique used to balance the chakras and harmonize body, mind, and spirit.
Based on the belief that a universal life force energy flows through all living things, reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an abundant spiritual energy that can be channeled to renew the body’s energy fields for deep relaxation, overall sense of wellbeing and to promote healing. It’s even used worldwide in hospitals, including the Cleveland Clinic.
In 2005, I started learning reiki in the Usui tradition, named after the Christian monk Dr. Usui who rediscovered reiki in early 1900s Japan. Now as an advanced reiki practitioner, I integrate this radiant energy into all my sessions – both in-person and with distance healing. Reiki can be given to pets, plants, even food!
What is a reiki session like?
During a reiki session, you remain fully dressed and lay comfortably on a table (or sit on a pillow if in a group setting). I use my hands to channel this divine energy into the body, lightly touching on specific points so that it flows to where healing is needed. I like to play soft, meditative music and diffuse essential oils, too. Sessions usually last 60 minutes.
What does reiki feel like?
Often times you can feel a light and relaxing vibrational energy coursing through your body. Some describe it as a warming, pulsing or tingling sensation or even a glowing radiance. Reiki has the natural ability to weave effortlessly through you – treating the whole person in body, emotions, mind and spirit. It induces feelings of deep relaxation, peace, security and wellbeing.
What are the benefits of reiki?
Reiki has been known to:
reduce stress and anxiety
improve sleep
relieve pain
boost the immune system
promote relaxation and well-being
improve the flow of energy in and around the body
treat various physical and emotional ailments
be used as a complementary therapy to other forms of medical treatment
be effective in accelerating the healing process of the body, mind and spirit
Who is reiki for?
Everyone! Reiki is a non-invasive and gentle healing modality that is safe for people of all ages and health conditions. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
How do I book a session?
Please click the button below to get started! You can also email laura@chakrakitchenwellness.com or text 440-225-4810. Sessions are $100 for 60 minutes.